
How do I know if I am training too hard?

by Paul
(West Bloomfield, MI)

How do I know if I am training too hard ?

"Hello Marius,

I've reviewed the FAQ's and can't find one directly related to my question so I am writing one. I am training using your 3:15 plan and have followed it using pace.

I am starting week 7 now. The hard runs are doable but sometimes feel hard. How can I know if I am following the right plan or need to consider switching?

I would be very grateful to find the answer as I would like to know if I need to change something to hit my goal of 3:25.

Thank You!


Answer: Hi Paul and thanks for your question.

It is a little bit difficult to know - when you are running on pace. The best answer to this, is to use the 5k and 10k planned in there to evaluate how far away from your goal time you are and what progress you are making vs. previous times you've run.

The other option is to run on heart rate of course, but you do not want to switch to this, this far out in the schedule.

So you are left with evaluating past running times with the 5k/10k times this time around as planned in the 100 day plan and see if you seem to be on target. If you are - stick to it. If not, adjust the times slightly and again : use the half marathon for exact marathon pacing.

all the best,

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