
Running in the snow

by Hege Saltnes
(Sandefjord, Norway)

Running in the snow and challenges concerning that :

"Hi again Marius
I have been following your sub 4 plan since Christmas, leading up to my fourth marathon in Paris in four weeks.
Because of all the snow and ice it has been very difficult to run outside this winter. As a result of this all my long runs has been on a treadmill. How do you think this will affect the possibility to perfom well in Paris?

Answer:Hi Hege and thanks for your question.

Now, you should be ok, despite this but I suggest one thing : at this time you will likely find roads where you can run at least a few km without snow on asphalt. What you want to do is to run 1 session on asphalt as soon as possible, one 20 days before and one 10 days before, meaning 3 sessions in total.

For most, this is an excellent "middle ground" to get used to the hard surface and outside running if the winter has been a challenge. Be careful though and I suggest using compression socks on these. Also, take a day or two more than normal of easy running/total rest after these sessions.

That will make you all set for Paris, no worries at all,

I wish you all the best,

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Running with a baby stroller.

by Ryan Camire
(Newport, NH)

What is the way to deal with zone 1 training if you have extra movements involved such as running with a baby stroller ?

"Hi Marius,

Thank you so much for the training plan. It is very helpful and has so much information I find myself reading all of your info two or three times to soak it all in! Anyway, here is my question: I run your plan with a heart rate monitor (Garmin forerunner) and try to follow your plan accordingly. The things is that I am running my easy Zone 1 runs with my children by pushing them in a baby stroller. This is raising my heart rate a bit and at the same time increasing my pace as well. Is there any way to adjust my heartrate training while pushing the stroller? Can I run the easy runs at a higher heart rate and still get the same recovery as running in Zone 1? Or would it be better for me to just ignore the heart rate during these easy runs and ust go by the "effort level?" Thank you for your time!"

Answer: Hi Ryan and thanks for the question. What I would do in your case is to place in there some walking during those runs in ordet to keep the effort down.

This is how to deal with it :

I've found that if you do this for parts of the run you can "get away" with abit more into Effort 2 for the rest of it. So say every 10 minutes of your easy runs, do a 2 minute walk. Like you suggest, it may be a good idea to leave the heart rate monitor if this feels like "stress" to see yourself going into Effort 2. Instead, run by Effort and place in there some walking and you should be all ready to go for the hard runs following the easy days.

I wish you all the best with your training and I'm glad you like the program.

Kind regards,

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Snow & Ice

by Craig Miller
(Aberdeen, UK)

Snow and Ice and the 100 day plan :


Hi - Loving the plan but I was wondering (as you live in Scandinavia) if you could offer advice for winter training.

We've had a lot of snow in Scotland this week which has interrupted my training as I don't own a treadmill and need to run outdoors. Common sense would suggest that I drop the speed sessions and simply try to maintain my weekly mileage with slow, steady runs.

Whats your thoughts on training at this time of year?


Craig Miller

Answer: Hi Craig, first of all I'm so sorry for not answering sooner. Remember to place your questions at the Q and A form here - and not the other pages on the Marathon site (as I make a strict priority to those questions that runners on the 100 day plan, like you, make)

But I guess you still have lots of snow, so the question is still relevant.

Here is how it goes :

Ideally, TRY and find a treadmill to run at least one quality session a week on ; even if you have to get into a gym and pay for it. This will be enough to get you through the snowy parts much better (even in better shape) vs. just running outdoors. So it is worth it.

Also, if you have a soccer field nearby, you can often run some quality on those in circles, especially the shorter stuff - I used to do this alot myself when weather was bad. Remember to change direction half way through. The rest can be easy runs, if the snowy period is not too long.

I wish you all the best with your training !

kind regards,

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