
Pacing the races

by Bjarne
(Kokkedal, DK)

Pacing the races in the 100 day plan :

"Hi Marius,

I am a bit puzzled on your answers on how to run the half and full marathon.

1) The half marathon, week 11.

How should I pace this one? Head for Effort level 3 on heart rate?

2) The full marathon

I think your strongest recommendation in other answers are to calculate the pace based on previous races (i.e. the marathon on the half-marathon).

But should I head for this fixed pace from the beginnning to the end? Or should I start off easy, increase the speed in the middle of the race?

Bjarne Maschoreck"

Answer: Hi Bjarne and thanks for your questions.

The half marathon should ideally be paced according to the 10k (or 5k) race that is planned earlier in the 100 day plan. In the 100 day plan you find calculators that are there - in order for you to pace yourself properly.

If you haven't run those races and can plot them in there - you have to run by how fast you "think" you can go based on prior experience. And run with pace according to that.

I always suggest an even (not gradual, flat even instead) pacing in races. Run on time, not on heart rate.

The exception is the marathon - you want a slightly negative split in that, running faster towards the end. Again, you see this is possible to plot into one of the calculators in the 100 day plan to come out right the way you want to plan it !

I wish you all the best with your training and races,

kind regards,

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